4th Fairy Tales story (Count your Chickens)
What were the school children doing?
Who does Meena imitate?
What was the first sentence Meena taught Mithu?
Why was Meena Sad?
What did Meena dream about?
In her dreams who was the teacher?
Where did Meena send Mithu?
What did Meena learn from Mithu?
Who stole one of the chickens from the yard?
How did Meena understand a chicken is stolen?
Hints of Answer:
To school, storm, counting and multiplying, fantastic, reciting poem, twinkle twinkle, stole, fetch, by counting the chickens, yard, a thief, Mithu, learn what the teacher says, because her parents refused her to go to the school, realize, imitate, she is going to school with other children, poultry, a teacher, business, took a long time