5th Fairy Tales story (Who is afraid of the Bully)
- Questions:
- Who is Munmun?
- What did Meena give Munmun to eat?
- Why did Mumun ran to Meena?
- Whom did the naughty boys tease?
- Who helped Rita to rescue her bag?
- Where did the Bully put Mithu?
- Why Rita wanted to leave the school?
- Who told Rita that leaving school was not the solution?
- Who planned a trap for the bullies?
- Who had learned his lesson?
Hints of Answer: Frightened, because of the bully boys, Dipu, ashamed, Spinach, Meena, tease, grass, Raju and their friends, Meena’s little lamb, stand-up, Rita, Meena’s mother, united, fright, some crows attacked Munmun, in a big pot, Mithu and Munmun, bully.